ACH team at away day playing drums

Blogs and news

ACH Hosts Hackathon to Support Migrant-Led Businesses

We recently hosted an impactful Business Hackathon in partnership with Enactus of Aston University.

Representation Through Visual Art

From Sanctuary to Opportunity’ is a pragmatic research project which aims to catalyse integration and opportunity through the voices of refugees, asylum seekers, and other migrants (or ‘citizens-in-waiting as we refer to them).

It's All About The Cooks!

As part of our vision for building a better future for refugees and migrants in the UK, ACH has been working together with All About The Cooks (AATC), a platform that enables home-cooks to sell their delicious food online.

Empowering the BNO Community through Employment Courses

We are delighted to announce the successful conclusion of the BNOS' Preparation for Employment course, a transformative 10-week program offered by qualified ACH tutors and tailored to the specific needs of the BNO community in Solihull.

ACH Joins Discussions on Migrant Health in the BNSSG Region

The workshop was preceded by an interactive mapping exercise in which community organisations and service providers signposted their services to establish how services overlap and collaborate in different ways.

A Celebration of ‘From Sanctuary to Opportunity’

To celebrate the launch of our second ‘From Sanctuary to Opportunity’ report we held a day of food, poetry, art, speeches, and panel discussions at the Triodos Bank’s Foundation.

Our Contribution to Global Thought Leadership at the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR)

We had the opportunity to catch up with our CEO, Fuad Mahamed, upon his return from Geneva, where he participated as a UK delegate in the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR).

Resident Engagement Day

We are delighted to share with you the highlights from our recent Resident Engagement Day, a significant event where we brought together some of our tenants to listen to their voices and gather their invaluable feedback.

Refugee Week: Empowering Migrant Communities in Collaboration with Solihull Council

At a time when inclusivity is more important than ever, our recent collaboration with Solihull Council during Refugee Week reaffirms our commitment to empowering refugees and migrants, supporting their integration, and promoting employability.